Saturday, October 29, 2011

Let's discuss 'discuss'

I don't know when it happened.  Or how it happened.  It just happened.
At some point the great 'they' decided to follow up a comment with the word 'discuss'.

Will the world end in 2012?  Discuss.

What are the economic ramifications of cows farting?  Discuss.

Should those that wear white after Labour Day be flogged in public?  Discuss.

(For the record I don't get the don't wear white after Labour Day thing.  I googled it and apparently it's to do with only wearing summer fashions in summer months.  Here in New Zealand summer falls after Labour Day so I think it's perfect acceptable to wear white then.  Oh god, did I just 'discuss' something?  Nah, I commented on it, phew.)

What grates me about 'discuss'?

I suspect it's because it feels like everyone has to jump in and be the first to say something.  It's like a race.  And I hate races.  I'm slow.  I'm not athletic.  And I hate to lose.

Ready?  Set .... DISCUSS!!!


  1. At the risk of being first ... I find that the word 'discuss' implies an open invitation to personally attack anyone who has posted above you (or posts a different opinion) and permission for later posters to attack you in kind. How and when did these become protocols for 'discussions'?

  2. I think you've hit the nail on the head. Another reason why I'm not a big fan in joining in on those sorts of conversations, I'm way too confrontation adverse. Give me a friendly laid back chat any day of the week :)
